Select all where [first letter starts with B]

SELECT author FROM lyrics WHERE author LIKE 'B%';

Make sure you have an index on author, though!

This will work for MYSQL

SELECT Name FROM Employees WHERE Name REGEXP '^[B].*$'

In this REGEXP stands for regular expression


this is for T-SQL

SELECT Name FROM Employees WHERE Name LIKE '[B]%'

SQL Statement:

 SELECT * FROM employee WHERE employeeName LIKE 'A%';


Number of Records: 4

employeeID  employeeName    employeeName    Address City    PostalCode  Country

1           Alam             Wipro          Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

2           Aditya           Wipro          Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

3           Alok             HCL            Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

4           Ashok            IBM            Delhi   Delhi   11005      India