Keyboard shortcut to close project in Intellij for OSX

I have intelliJ 15 running on OSX Yosemite.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to close projects in intellij?

Right now I can close individual files in a project with cmd+w and and close the entire app with cmd+q, I can even tab between projects with cmd+~ but I'd like to close a project using the keyboard.

Solution 1:

Is there a keyboard shortcut to close projects in intellij (OSX)?

No. There isn't one listed on the IntelliJ IDEA Mac OS X Keymap Reference Card.

However, you can define your own:

Go to Preference -> Keymap, type Close Project in search bar and set-up your keyboard shortcut for this action. Works for me in Intellij Idea 14.1.2.

enter image description here

Source SO answer Is there a shortcut to close a project in Intellij? by fakerun