C# Extract text from PDF using PdfSharp

Is there a possibility to extract plain text from a PDF-File with PdfSharp? I don't want to use iTextSharp because of its license.

Took Sergio's answer and made some extension methods. I also changed the accumulation of strings into an iterator.

public static class PdfSharpExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<string> ExtractText(this PdfPage page)
        var content = ContentReader.ReadContent(page);      
        var text = content.ExtractText();
        return text;

    public static IEnumerable<string> ExtractText(this CObject cObject)
        if (cObject is COperator)
            var cOperator = cObject as COperator;
            if (cOperator.OpCode.Name== OpCodeName.Tj.ToString() ||
                cOperator.OpCode.Name == OpCodeName.TJ.ToString())
                foreach (var cOperand in cOperator.Operands)
                    foreach (var txt in ExtractText(cOperand))
                        yield return txt;   
        else if (cObject is CSequence)
            var cSequence = cObject as CSequence;
            foreach (var element in cSequence)
                foreach (var txt in ExtractText(element))
                    yield return txt;
        else if (cObject is CString)
            var cString = cObject as CString;
            yield return cString.Value;

I have implemented it somehow similar to how David did it. Here is my code:

        // ....
        var page = document.Pages[1];
        CObject content = ContentReader.ReadContent(page);
        var extractedText = ExtractText(content);
        // ...

    private IEnumerable<string> ExtractText(CObject cObject )
        var textList = new List<string>();
        if (cObject is COperator)
            var cOperator = cObject as COperator;
            if (cOperator.OpCode.Name== OpCodeName.Tj.ToString() ||
                cOperator.OpCode.Name == OpCodeName.TJ.ToString())
                foreach (var cOperand in cOperator.Operands)
        else if (cObject is CSequence)
            var cSequence = cObject as CSequence;
            foreach (var element in cSequence)
        else if (cObject is CString)
            var cString = cObject as CString;
        return textList;

PDFSharp provides all the tools to extract the text from a PDF. Use the ContentReader class to access the commands within each page and extract the strings from TJ/Tj operators.

I've uploaded a simple implementation to github.