Remove-Physical Disk don't progress on my Windows 2016 cluster

I have 2 Windows2016 servers in a cluster shared volume

One of my 18 (2*9) hard disk reports a failure so I want to remove from my S2D pool

This disk is marked as "retired"

$disk=Get-PhysicalDisk -SerialNumber 8HG42ZHH

PS C:\Windows\system32> $disk
FriendlyName         SerialNumber CanPool OperationalStatus                        HealthStatus Usage       Size
------------         ------------ ------- -----------------                        ------------ -----       ----
HGST HUH721212AL5200 8HG42ZHH     False   {Removing From Pool, Lost Communication} Warning      Retired 10.69 TB

so I must remove this disk from the pool with

Get-StoragePool *S2D* | Remove-PhysicalDisk –PhysicalDisk $disk

But this job hangs and never progress even after 12 hours of hard work as shown here


Name               IsBackgroundTask ElapsedTime JobState  PercentComplete BytesProcessed BytesTotal
----               ---------------- ----------- --------  --------------- -------------- ----------
RemovePhysicalDisk False            00:00:00    Running   0
Repair             False            00:00:00    Starting  0
Repair             True             00:30:48    Suspended 0               0              805306368

The job stays in Running mode and doesn't progress, even when I try with multiple reboots.

Can you explain why I cannot remove this disk?

Please I need your help for this sad problem, if you have any question , please don't hesitate to ask me.

Thanks for your time and your help

WS2016 individual S2D disk evacuation process is broken, you need to a) backup your data, b) devastate S2D cluster/pool/etc, c) create it fresh new from the scratch, and d) get your data back from the backup.