myString.replace( VARIABLE, "") ...... but globally

How can I use a variable to remove all instances of a substring from a string? (to remove, I'm thinking the best way is to replace, with nothing, globally... right?)

if I have these 2 strings,

myString = "This sentence is an example sentence."
oldWord = " sentence"

then something like this

myString.replace(oldWord, "");

only replaces the first instance of the variable in the string.

but if I add the global g like this myString.replace(/oldWord/g, ""); it doesn't work, because it thinks oldWord, in this case, is the substring, not a variable. How can I do this with the variable?

Well, you can use this:

var reg = new RegExp(oldWord, "g");
myString.replace(reg, "");

or simply:

myString.replace(new RegExp(oldWord, "g"), "");

You have to use the constructor rather than the literal syntax when passing variables. Stick with the literal syntax for literal strings to avoid confusing escape syntax.

var oldWordRegEx = new RegExp(oldWord,'g');


No need to use a regular expression here: split the string around matches of the substring you want to remove, then join the remaining parts together:


In the OP's example:

var myString = "This sentence is an example sentence.";
var oldWord = " sentence";