MATE: how to increase window resizing area

I use MATE on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 15.04 and with both I have trouble resizing windows. It seems like I have to click on a 1px size line to change and that's a bit difficult with touchpad sometimes.

Is there any way that I can increase this area without graphically changing the thickness of the borders? If not, how can I change the thickness of the window borders?

Would be nice to know for both CentOS and Ubuntu but if I know one I'll be able to figure out the other one :)

Thanks in advance

I know I can change sensitivity for my touchpad but I prefer not to do that.

Answer taken from AskUbuntu question:

  1. This is a really old bug, still not fixed for metacity.
  2. One workaround is to use great combo Alt + "Hold Right Mouse Button" and resize window according to nearest border
  3. Another is to manually change theme border size. Default theme configuration file path: /usr/share/themes/Ambiant-MATE/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml.

    Following parameters change borders width:
    <distance name="left_width" value="1"/>
    <distance name="right_width" value="1"/>
    <distance name="bottom_height" value="1"/>

What's New in Mate 1.24 ( mentions:

Finally added invisible resize borders. No more struggling to find a border to grab with your mouse!

Unfortunately I can find no documentation about how you use this new feature. It's not in mate-tweak-ui as far as I can see.