Switch user not working in 17.10

I have 1 user beside myself on my desktop pc. when I click on "Switch User" it merely offers me login again. It would seem that the switch user function is broken. Any ideas how to fix it?

As a workaround, you should be able to use ctrl-alt-f1 to bring up the user switcher and switch users from there (without using the menu bar dropdown).

If applicable, remember to use your laptop's 'fn' key to make your function keys behave as function keys.

I don't have any solid direction on how to fix the underlying issue of clicking "Switch User" after clicking on your username from the menu bar dropdown sending me to the lock screen, where clicking on "Log in as another user" (below Cancel) merely seems to restart X and bring you back to the lock screen.

After some digging through syslog and X logs, I saw that my logs had segfaults from gnome-session-check-accelerated around the times I was trying to switch users. Googling that led to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/1715365 which seemed to be a repro case for the bug I was running into, and the ctrl-alt-f1 solution.

I found the answer in the comments section of this post Ubuntu gets stuck in a login loop

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

and I chose gdm3.

The OP reported the issue for 17.10. while I am using 18.04

UPDATE : While the solution worked for me, that was short lived and the problem re-occured after a few days.

UPDATE 2: I eventually fixed this "permanently" by choosing Ubuntu Wayland option on the login screen. This because of nvidia drivers installed.