Git Push ERROR: Repository not found

I am having a very strange problem with git and github. When I try and push, I am getting:

git push -u origin master
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I added the remote:

git remote add origin [email protected]:account-name/repo-name.git

Any ideas?

Check to see if you have read-write access.

The Git error message is misleading. I had a similar issue. I had been added to an existing project. I cloned it and committed a local change. I went to push and got the ERROR: Repository not found. error message.

The person who added me to the project gave me read-only access to the repository. A change by them and I was able to push.

I had the same problem, with a private repo.

do the following:

remove the remote origin

git remote rm origin

re-add the origin but with your username and pwd with writing privileges on this pvt repo

git remote add origin  https://USERNAME:[email protected]/username/reponame.git

I ran into the same issue and I solved it by including my username and password in the repo url:

git clone https://myusername:[email protected]/path_to/myRepo.git

If you use Git on Windows, try to clear your credentials:

  1. Locate "credential manager" (should be in your Control Panel)
  2. Remove all credentials related to GitHub

enter image description here

I was getting the same error

ERROR: Repository not found.   
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

and I had created the repository on Github and cloned it locally.

I was able to solve by opening .git/config and removing the [remote "origin"] section.

[remote "origin"]   
   url = [email protected]:alexagui/my_project.git  
   fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

then I ran the following (again)

git remote add origin [email protected]:alexagui/my_project.git  
git push -u origin master

and this time I was able to push to the repository.