How to disable Caps Lock/ Num Lock notification Windows 10?

I have a Lenovo y50-70 and whenever I press the caps lock or num lock this notification appears and I don't know how to disable it:

I have been searching all day but I can't a solution that works with windows 10, one solution was to open [regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Widcomm > BTConfig > General > KeyIndication, and change the value of "KeyIndication" from "1" to "0"] but it's already "0". the other was to

  • go to Control Panel -> Display -> Screen Resolution.
  • Click on Advanced settings.
  • Click on the On-Screen Display tab.
  • Choose whether to have the indicators show for a few seconds or always show the indicators.

but I can't find On-Screen Display tab in windows 10 so this solution didn't work also, so can anyone help me it's really annoying especially when i'm playing it closes the game to show me the notification.

No windows version has those icons and windows 10 is one of them. That comes from Lenovo computers. Check with them, not microsoft.

A little late but I just solved this for my self so i'm posting for future visitors.It's not a windows feature. A third party program is responsible for this.


1. Task Manager ---> startup -->
2. locate Hkcmd
3. disable it from starting when windows starts
4. restart pc

In my case it was Hkcmd. Depending on the brand of your hardware it could be something different but it will be something related to Hot Keys or acronym of that (Hk)