backup solution for media company (large files)

I am working as a webdeveloper in a media company (around 25 employees) and I am not very happy with our current backup solution. I am no expert on this, but I am pretty sure the current setup is BS.

What is our current setup? Well, we have a fileserver with a 500 GB HD (sic!). If one remembers, one manually makes a .zip files and puts it on that server. Thats about it. Apart from the very small HD, nobody bothers making backups, maybe once a month. I think my boss has not backed up her data for maybe 3 months...

I would very much like to have an automated solution that creates a backup from all important files at night and... stores it somewhere.

The problem is: the backups can be quite large. As a developer I mainly work with text based stuff, so my backup including email etc. is around 7 GB. But the designers working in that company have backups in the size of 50 - 100 GB (already zipped). And there are at least 5 - 10 of these large backups.

Because of data loss recently I am pretty sure management would be willing to spend some $$$ on this if someone could come up with a good plan.

So, what would be a viable solution for a company of that size? Everbody in the company is working on OS X, if the operation system matters.

Solution 1:

Chopper3's suggestion of using Time Machine is solid. It's a pretty cool Mac thing that Mac people will probably like.

You don't need to purchase an Apple Time Capsule - FreeNAS can handle it:

    • The first hit:

I generally prefer file synchronization to normal backups for user files, because even when I was at the office without my laptop, I could still look at my files, for example, from someone else's machine or from a "burnbox" computer. Very convenient. Look at rsync

For your consideration, there are two areas of backup you need to plan for:

  1. Recovering user data, for example, if they delete a file by accident or have a hardware failure. Time Machine or rsync can help you there.

  2. Restoring a system from a failed or damaged state into a usable state. This is mostly about getting the OS and any needed applications reinstalled. Damage can be anything from hardware failure to malware infection. I prefer disk/partition images for this.

As others have mentioned, you need to have a Recovery Plan, not just a backup plan. You need to verify periodically that you can restore a system from your current backups. You need to know how long it will take.

Solution 2:

I'd extend the Apple Time Machine recommendation a couple of steps further. It sounds like you have a small group of people with reasonable computer skills, but don't have and probably cannot afford to spend alot of time on "IT" chores.

I'd consider buying a Mac Mini Server and a Drobo Pro storage system. You attach the Drobo to the Mac Mini Server and use it as a time machine target for your clients. The beauty of the Drobo versus something like FreeNAS is that it is EASY -- as your storage needs go, you just plug in drives and it automatically handles everything. If a drive fails, you're safe and get a red light.

The other nice thing is that you have the full Apple stack, and can go to Apple for support. You'll also get some side benefits, like the Apple Wiki/Blog system that is pretty cool, local iChat server, and the ability to do Spotlight searches across multiple computers.

Cost is not so bad. You're looking at $2,000 for a minimally configured Drobo with lots of upgrade capacilty and $1,000 for the Mac Mini Server.

Down the road, you have room to grow as well. You can leverage a service like, Amazon S3, Asigra or some other solution to get off-site backup capability in the cloud -- but you don't need to do that on Day 1.

Solution 3:

If you're using OSX version 10.5 or 10.6 you have a great automated backup system already there called Time Machine.

It routinely takes incremental backups automatically with very little initial setup effort.

It can backup to individual hard disks such as those little portable USB ones you can get for <£$100 each OR you can get a big centralised disk think from Apple called a Time Capsule (Clicky for link), you put this on your network and set everyone's Mac's to backup to it - it's really simple and works a treat.