Meteor support developing on Windows

Does Meteor support developing on Windows? I did not see any downloads or mention of Windows in the docs.

The "Quick Start" assumes you are on *Nix OS.

Meteor 1.1+: official Windows support launched on

Meteor 1.0+: there is an official Windows preview.

Meteor 0.8 and older: see

Proof, Meteor running on Windows.

Edit: See Tom's answer.

Old answer below.

No, this is not yet supported on windows. If you try to install in you will receive the following error:

Sorry, this OS is not supported yet.

As a workaround you can run a linux box in a VM and use that as a server to run meteor but still do all development from within windows. I've done this using VirtualBox to run Ubuntu with no GUI. Here's the steps:

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Grab Ubuntu ISO
  3. Setup Ubuntu VM using VirtualBox (just follow the wizard steps)
  4. Install samba on VM to enable file access from windows. This article was a great help.
  5. Install ssh using Ubuntu Software Center. This was helpful.
  6. Shutdown VM and run from a DOS prompt using vboxheadless -startvm "VM Name"
  7. You can then use a ssh client (I'm using cygwin) to connect to the box to run commands e.g. ssh user@box_ip_address
  8. Can browse and edit files using windows file share e.g. \\box_ip_address\share
  9. Can run meteor apps within local browser, just replace the localhost in the address that meteor assigns with the ip address of the box.

I just tried to install it with curl on Windows 7, and got:

Sorry, this OS is not supported yet.

A substantial update as the existing answers to this question are very out of date.

Official Windows support can be found at

Unofficial Windows support for Meteor can be found on

There are 3 solutions outlined on, one native MSI installer, and 2 virtualized solutions based on Vagrant:

1) MSI Installer:

Stephen Darnell has picked up where Tom Wijsman graciously left off. This solution is the most straight forward way to get Meteor running on Windows with an MSI Installer provided. There are some trade-offs because this is a fork and can lag behind the latest version as Stephen can update to and test the latest version.

2) Vagrant Shell Provisioning

Gabriel Pugliese has posted a guide for how to provision Meteor on Linux with Vagrant's Shell Provisioning. These may be more accessible to users familier with Linux and Shell scripts. This solution is easier to tweak through the straight forward shell commands than the Chef alternative.

3) Vagrant Chef Provisioning

Matthew Sullivan is maintaining a set of Vagrant files, Chef cookbook, and guide for provisioning Meteor on Linux with Vagrant. This Chef solution is a slightly more automated and configurable than the shell solution, however likely not as simple to tweak beyond the provided configuration parameters as the Shell solution.

GitHub Repos and details can be found on The three authors are very responsive on the Meteor-talk Google Group.

A bit of history:

Unofficial Windows support for Meteor was started by Tom Wijsman, and was supported by Tom until 0.5.9. Versions 0.6.0 and later are by Stephen Darnell, Gabriel Pugliese, and Matt Sullivan.