Does anyone know how to change the Glassfish Icon in the Mac Dock

Whenever we start Glassfish server an icon as shown in the attachment appears in the Dock, has someone ever tried to change that icon. If yes, please can you guide me 'how to do it'

After googling for a while I found a way to hide it but nothing regarding changing it.

Thanks in advance.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Use an icon from another file or folder in OS X

  1. Select the file or folder whose icon you want to use, then choose FileGet Info.

  2. At the top of the Info window, click the icon, then choose EditCopy.

  3. Select the other file or or folder, then choose FileGet Info.

  4. Click the icon, then choose EditPaste.

enter image description here
(Click image to view it in a new tab)

I also converted this image into the native Mac OS X .icns icon format using the png2icns program which is provided in Ubuntu by the icnsutils package from the Ubuntu Software Center.