Puppet manifest example

Can anyone point me to a full example (tar/zip) directory of a Puppet manifest? I get the guides but it would be way easier just to look at a working directory.

Solution 1:

It's right there in the Puppet wiki

Solution 2:

Here is how I lay out my puppet installed on the puppetmaster

  `- puppet/
        +-- manifests/
        |        |
        |        +---- site.pp
        |        |
        |        +---- nodes.pp
        |        |
        |        +---- os/
        |        |      |
        |        |      +- base.pp
        |        |      |
        |        |      `- redhat.pp
        |        |
        |        `---- classes/
        |                  |
        |                  `-- aliases.pp
        +-- modules/
               +-- sshd/
               |     |
               |     +-- files/
               |     |
               |     +-- mainfests/ 
               |     |       |
               |     |       `--- init.pp
               |     |
               |     `-- templates/

My recommendation is to keep as much as possible in modules.

Solution 3:

It's not a tarball, but I have written a Puppet tutorial which takes you step by step through creating the required directories and files, and gives you a working template configuration to get started:


So far it covers installing Puppet, setting up the starting manifests, how Puppet resources work, authorising your first client, and controlling a simple service.