"I have no charge on my cellphone" or "my cellphone is out of charge"?

Situation: The batteries in your cellphone are running out of charge.

How would a native English speaker quickly and naturally describe this situation?

My phone is out of juice

This is how a nerd would describe the situation

My phone has died on me

This is how many people refer to this situation

My phone needs to be recharged

This is also a way to express the same fact

I need to charge my phone

Indirect method

Is there a cell-phone charger nearby

Another indirect method.

Can I use your cell-phone?

Cannot always be used effectively :-(

The most common expression I've heard for expressing that a cell phone no longer had power is:

My cell phone battery is dead.

While holding the cell phone, many people omit the words cell phone since it is understood that the thing they are holding is the subject of the statement:

My battery is dead.

Alternatively, many people omit the word battery since it is understood that the battery is the dead part of the cell phone:

My cell phone is dead.

People will also say their cell phone is dead if it is broken via some other means, though, such as it being dropped.

My cell phone battery is almost flat


My cell phone is almost out of power

All the examples given so far are good, but I would also offer as common expressions

My (cell) phone is almost out of batteries


I’m almost out of batteries


My phone’s battery is dying


My phone is dying