WOEUSB is not showing my drive

Am trying to put windows 7 ISO files on my storage driver and boot it from the USB Drive and it not showing my letter in the WOEUSB Drive... I have been using MKUSB to it works but when it goes to install the Operating System it says it can't find the media and direct me to find it... I been installing windows 7 on this driver for a while and had no problem with it the last few days... This has happened to me before and it seems I have to delete the drive on a Windows Operating System to fix it... I don't understand am using GParted to format the drive to and formating it to an NTFS and putting a boot flag on it and when I transfer the ISO FILES to the drive I shut down my PC and I go into the Boot Section and Press USB Boot Option and it says there NO BOOTABLE DEVICE!!! am like I put a BOOT FLAG on it so I have no idea what am doing wrong... I hope anyone can try to help me... Am I doing anything wrong because I can't be always right or am I like forgetting to do something because I understand people make mistakes on this stuff... But it kills me inside that I can't boot a Windows USB Media to just install Windows... Thanks Ubuntu TEAM <3 <3 <3


Solution 1:

This may or may not help but I did a similar thing to you, and couldn't see ANY bootable devices in my list. It wasn't that the program was missing my specific USB in the list for GUI, but like your image shows there are NO target devices to select. So I did something simple and tried to maximize the window by dragging the R corner and you wouldn't believe, the list was obscured because the default window size of woeUSB hides your target devices! resize the window: here's what I mean:



So again, had no idea it wasn't going to be visible in default view mind blown - hope this helped
