"Through" vs. "by" in this sentence

While solving a question, I came in to a situation where I was left wondering between two of the choices. The sentence was:

Acquisition of certain specific skills can be facilitated by/through general awareness, education to novel situations.

According to my understanding through sounds more apt. But I am not sure. Could anyone explain the correct usage. In which condition one is preferable over the other?

Solution 1:

By suggests a direct result:

The shops were destroyed by flooding.

Through suggests an indirect result:

The shops were repaired through the help of a disaster relief fund.

In some cases we can reasonably consider a result as direct or indirect. In your case we could consider the "general awareness..." as something that directly facilitates the skills you mention, but we could also consider the "general awareness..." as something that is part of a process that in turn facilitates them. As such, but by and through are justifiable, but like you I would favour through.