How To Convert Offline files downloaded from

As a premium member you can download course video files from I have downloaded files for the courses that I have completed. The files in reside in the respective folder and have a .Lynda extension. These files open only through Lynda Desktop App. I tried opening them using VLC but they don't. Is there any way to convert these files?

Currently, the answer's Yes!

There's a fairly new GitHub repository that provides a tool for the decryption of such files. The files themselves are AES-encrypted (which is decrypted using the Rijndael decryption module) - so it isn't really surprising that VLC can't open them...

These are the available options for the tool:

Usage (Directory): LyndaDecryptor /D PATH_TO_FOLDER [OPTIONS]
Usage (File):      LyndaDecryptor /F ENCRYPTED_FILE DECRYPTED_FILE [OPTIONS]

        /D      Source files are located in a folder.
        /F      Source and Destination file are specified.
        /DB     Search for Database or specify the location on your system.
        /RM     Removes all files after decryption is complete.
        /OUT    Specifies an output directory instead of using default directory.

For example (using some common setting for Windows):

LyndaDecryptor /D "E:\PATH_TO_COURSES\ldc_dl_courses\COURSE_NUM" /DB "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\\ Desktop App\db.sqlite" /OUT "E:\OUTPUT_PATH"