Windows 7 drive (P:|)shared with Everyone but not accessible by Windows XP computers on our network

Solution 1:

Try this on the Windows 7 machine:

  1. Open Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy.
  2. Click on Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment on the left.
  3. Double-click "Deny access to this computer from network".
  4. Select Guest and click Remove.
  5. click OK.
  6. EDIT: Ensure in the Permissions for the network share, that Guest is included, since it's no longer part of the Everyone group.
  7. Use regedit to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System and create or modify the value of LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy (32-bit dword) to 1, so the remote logon token will not be filtered (see here).

Solution 2:

Go to Network and Sharing Center then click on Advanced sharing settings.

Make sure that File and printer sharing is set to on and Password protected sharing is turned off.

Then when you access the machine from the network, it should work - if you still have problems, write in comments and I will try to help further.

Solution 3:

Also, there was an update for Windows XP a few months ago, which is needed to be able to connect with new versions of windows. check in windows update center, if you have all updates + service pack 3 installed.

Solution 4:

Try adding a user(administrator) with same name and password on the xp and windows 7 machine.

Solution 5:

I tried all of the steps mentioned, but finally fixed my own issue:

  • Right-click the drive and select Properties (drive or any folder you want to share)
  • Select the Security tab
  • Click [Edit]
  • Add Everyone to give full control to all users
  • Apply

It works great for me now.