Smooth scroll without the use of jQuery
Native browser smooth scrolling in JavaScript is like this:
// scroll to specific values,
// same as window.scroll() method.
// for scrolling a particular distance, use window.scrollBy().
top: 2500,
left: 0,
behavior: 'smooth'
// scroll certain amounts from current position
top: 100, // negative value acceptable
left: 0,
behavior: 'smooth'
// scroll to a certain element
behavior: 'smooth'
Try this smooth scrolling demo, or an algorithm like:
- Get the current top location using
- Get the position of element till where you want to scroll to:
- Do a for loop to reach there, which will be quite fast or use a timer to do smooth scroll till that position using
See also the other popular answer to this question.
Andrew Johnson's original code:
function currentYPosition() {
// Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
if (self.pageYOffset) return self.pageYOffset;
// Internet Explorer 6 - standards mode
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
return document.documentElement.scrollTop;
// Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8
if (document.body.scrollTop) return document.body.scrollTop;
return 0;
function elmYPosition(eID) {
var elm = document.getElementById(eID);
var y = elm.offsetTop;
var node = elm;
while (node.offsetParent && node.offsetParent != document.body) {
node = node.offsetParent;
y += node.offsetTop;
} return y;
function smoothScroll(eID) {
var startY = currentYPosition();
var stopY = elmYPosition(eID);
var distance = stopY > startY ? stopY - startY : startY - stopY;
if (distance < 100) {
scrollTo(0, stopY); return;
var speed = Math.round(distance / 100);
if (speed >= 20) speed = 20;
var step = Math.round(distance / 25);
var leapY = stopY > startY ? startY + step : startY - step;
var timer = 0;
if (stopY > startY) {
for ( var i=startY; i<stopY; i+=step ) {
setTimeout("window.scrollTo(0, "+leapY+")", timer * speed);
leapY += step; if (leapY > stopY) leapY = stopY; timer++;
} return;
for ( var i=startY; i>stopY; i-=step ) {
setTimeout("window.scrollTo(0, "+leapY+")", timer * speed);
leapY -= step; if (leapY < stopY) leapY = stopY; timer++;
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