View individual artists in compilation albums?

I can't seem to set up my music collection so that when opening a compilation album on my iPad it shows a list of songs on the compilation album along with the artist of each song.

In iTunes on my computer it displays as expected - the song name appears with the artist below it in the compilations album:

Display in itunes on macbook

When synced to my iPad and clicking on the same compilation album it displays without the artist name:

Display in music on ipad

Note also that the album artist name below the album thumbnail is one of the track artists.

The settings for this album in iTunes on my Mac are:

  • Each song has their artist name and song name completed.
  • Album artist is left blank
  • Compilation is ticked.

Why are the results correct in iTunes on the computer, but not on the iPad?

I've written “Various Artists” in the Album Artist field, and ticked the Compilations box. It works fine for me in iTunes, on my iPad, iPhone, iPod nano and my ATV. So my suggestion is to try write something in the Album Artist field.