Elevating UAC via .bat file?


EDIT: If you are giving the customer a single file to run, why not create a self extracting RAR with WinRAR and set the "Require Administrator" flag in SFX options? This absolves you of your limit of only 1 file, you can have all the resources you need.

Alternatively make your SFX using your favourite SFX tool and use the elevate tools above.

If you are prepared to convert to PowerShell this is much easier to do. This is my "Elevate-Process.ps1" script (with su as alias in my profile):

# Updated elevate function that does not need Elevate PowerToys
# From http://devhawk.net/2008/11/08/My+ElevateProcess+Script.aspx

$psi = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$psi.Verb = "runas"

# If passed multiple commands, or one (that isn't a folder) then execute that command:
if (($args.Length -gt 1) -or (($args.length -eq 1) -and -not (test-path $args[0] -pathType Container))) {

    $file, [string]$arguments = $args;
    $psi.FileName = $file  
    $psi.Arguments = $arguments
    [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi) | out-null

# If from console host, handle case of one argyment that is
# a folder, to start in that folder. Otherwise start in current folder.
if ($host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') {
    $psi.FileName = (Get-Command -name "PowerShell").Definition
    if ($args.length -eq 0) {
        $psi.Arguments = "-NoExit -Command &{set-location '" + (get-location).Path + "'}"
    } else {
        $psi.Arguments = "-NoExit -Command &{set-location '" + (resolve-path $args[0]) + "'}"
    [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi) | out-null

# Otherwise this is some other host (which cannot be assumed to take parameters).
# So simplely launch elevated.
$psi.FileName = [system.diagnostics.process]::getcurrentprocess().path
$psi.Arguments = ""
[System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi) | out-null

Detection of being elevated can also be done in PSH (thus you can check for elevation, and then elevate if needed):

$prp=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($wid)
if ($IsAdmin) {
  write-host "`n** Elevated Session **`n" -foreground $_errorColour -background $_errorBackound

here is an example script I came up with, I hope it helps others. It's a bat file that prompts the user for permission and then escalates itself. It pipes out some vbscript which triggers the UAC prompt and then re-runs the bat file elevated... http://jagaroth.livejournal.com/63875.html

This is what you need: http://sites.google.com/site/eneerge/home/BatchGotAdmin