What version of Minecraft am I playing?

Solution 1:

You're playing Alpha (aka Survival).

"Survival test" is here and Classic (aka Creative) is here. Neither needs a premium account.

Here's a bonus chart of what version added when in Minecraft:

   Classic    Graphics, Water, Lava, Fog, Mobs, Saving, Clouds (free)
SurvivalTest  Health bar, Enemies, Weapons, Finite inventory, Cracking (free)
    Indev     Crafting, Dynamic light, Night, Armor, Healing, Hell (unavail)
   Infdev     Infinite maps, improved caves, finite water (unavail)
    Alpha     Redstone, Boats, Carts, Biomes, Nether, Survival Multiplayer
    Beta      Creative mode, Weather, Structures, Hunger, Experience, Maps
     1.x      Endgame, Hardcore, Potions, Enchantments, Repairing, Superflat

The Minepedia has more information (Classic, Survival Test, Indev, Infdev, Alpha, Beta, Minecraft 1.0, Version history).

Solution 2:

This is the previous free version.

Alpha - Survival:
This is the one you have now, the single player is survival mode.

Check the text under the header logo here:

See the text under the header logo