Which is a better way to check if an array has more than one element?

Solution 1:

Use this

if (sizeof($arr) > 1) {


if (count($arr) > 1) {

sizeof() is an alias for count(), they work the same.

Edit: Answering the second part of the question: The two lines of codes in the question are not alternative methods, they perform different functions. The first checks if the value at $arr['1'] is set, while the second returns the number of elements in the array.

Solution 2:

if(is_array($arr) && count($arr) > 1)

Just to be sure that $arr is indeed an array.

sizeof is an alias of count, I prefer to use count because:

  1. 1 less character to type
  2. sizeof at a quick glance might mean a size of an array in terms of memory, too technical :(

Solution 3:

if (count($arr) >= 2)
  // array has at least 2 elements

sizeof() is an alias for count(). Both work with non-arrays too, but they will only return values greater than 1 if the argument is either an array or a Countable object, so you're pretty safe with this.

Solution 4:

Obviously using count($arr) > 1 (sizeof is just an alias for count) is the best solution. Depending on the structure of your array, there might be tons of elements but no $array['1'] element.

Solution 5:

Use count()

if (count($my_array) > 1) {
// do

this page explains it pretty well http://phparraylength.com/