Microstation V8i can't access a reference?

Working in Microstation V8i, in a file previously put together by someone else. I cannot access a particular polygon and whenever I put the cursor on top of it (without clicking) the little error symbol (circle with a line through it - the "no" symbol if you will) pops up next to my cursor.

If I try and click on it I get this warning Element is in a reference with locate turned off. I can't select the line to turn it off or even see where it is located. All my references are turned on and in their respective folders, and nothing has been moved recently.

Has anyone gotten this warning before and if so, what does it mean/what actions can I take to be able to edit this line? I honestly just want to turn it off.

I cannot access any information about the polygon (location, type, size, etc) because of the warning message that pops up and my inability to click on/select the polygon.

Solution 1:

'Locate' is a setting that can be turned on and off for each reference. First, try turning on and off references and levels until you find where the polygon is. Within the Reference Toolbox, along the bottom are settings that can be toggled on of off. Select the reference you need, and click the "mouse" icon from the choices. This is the locate setting.