Notification Center errors filling up /var/log/system.log

Solution 1:

The solution is a bit of a mystery but if you really have /System/Library/CoreServices/Notification with the space and not /System/Library/CoreServices/ you may have to reinstall the OS or restore that entire directory from backup (or another similar Mac OS install).

As to the load on the computer due to the logging - it should be harmless or at worst a minor slowdown. I have Macs with thousands of messages a minute and can barely measure their load running Activity Monitor even when I have several windows up tailing the logs, grepping for patterns to filter out noise like you mention.

You can assure yourself the system is not loaded with the following command:

 iostat 15

You can run with the notifications running and the error messages and without and watch for long term problems in terms of CPU usage and disk IO. Airs and other SSD based Macs generally have plenty of horsepower to deal with thousands of messages a second let alone per minute and the system logging infrastructure scales very well, uses little RAM and is miserly with CPU and disk access.

Now, as far as hunting down the culprit - it's going to be a bit of sleuthing unless someone has already slayed this bug by noticing why the space got added in that directory for the app.

I would probably edit the plist file for that process to set the respawn to be 100 or 300 or 600 until you have a handle on the error (and if you don't want to see so many messages). Also, when you have unloaded (or removed) the job from launchd control, you could manually run the program from the terminal to see if it output any errors on startup that might help you.

 launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchAgents/   

You can quit the app by pressing control+c - If it's a permission error, you could test that by running the process as root:

sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/

Solution 2:

This might be nothing but twice you referred to the file as


(note the space)

but I find the app at


on my Mountain Lion systems.

Does the path in /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ have the space?

If your system does have a space in that path, it could be causing problems.

I would log out and then either login via ssh or >console at the login window, remove the space:

sudo mv -vn "/System/Library/CoreServices/Notification" "/System/Library/CoreServices/" 

and then reboot

sudo shutdown -r now