"Thread 1: stopped at breakpoint" error when initializing an NSURL object

Solution 1:

You're stopped at a breakpoint. That's a debugging tool, not an error. See the blue arrow/tab in the left margin, where the line numbers are? Drag that away and drop it anywhere (you'll see a "poof") to remove it, then run your project again.

You can also deactivate all breakpoints by typing -Y, the key equivalent for the menu item Debug>Deactivate Breakpoints, or you can view all your breakpoints in the Breakpoint Navigator (hit -6).

When execution stops like this, you can continue from the breakpoint, either by typing continue at the debugger prompt in the Console:

(lldb) continue

Or hitting the "Play" button in the debugger controls. You can also type Control--Y, which is the equivalent for the menu item Debug>Continue.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

This isn't an error. You just set a breakpoint (probably without knowing it).

Drag the little blue Chevron in the column at the left out of the way. You will see it disappear and go poof, and then you can rebuild your app and you should see it run properly.

Now, that said, I think there are some memory management mistakes in your code, but we can return to those later. ;-)