Can I write C++ code without headers (repetitive function declarations)?

Is there any way to not have to write function declarations twice (headers) and still retain the same scalability in compiling, clarity in debugging, and flexibility in design when programming in C++?

Use Lzz. It takes a single file and automatically creates a .h and .cpp for you with all the declarations/definitions in the right place.

Lzz is really very powerful, and handles 99% of full C++ syntax, including templates, specializations etc etc etc.

Update 150120:

Newer C++ '11/14 syntax can only be used within Lzz function bodies.

I felt the same way when I started writing C, so I also looked into this. The answer is that yes, it's possible and no, you don't want to.

First with the yes.

In GCC, you can do this:

// foo.cph

void foo();

#if __INCLUDE_LEVEL__ == 0
void foo() {
   printf("Hello World!\n");

This has the intended effect: you combine both header and source into one file that can both be included and linked.

Then with the no:

This only works if the compiler has access to the entire source. You can't use this trick when writing a library that you want to distribute but keep closed-source. Either you distribute the full .cph file, or you have to write a separate .h file to go with your .lib. Although maybe you could auto-generate it with the macro preprocessor. It would get hairy though.

And reason #2 why you don't want this, and that's probably the best one: compilation speed. Normally, C sources files only have to be recompiled when the file itself changes, or any of the files it includes changes.

  • The C file can change frequently, but the change only involves recompiling the one file that changed.
  • Header files define interfaces, so they shouldn't change as often. When they do however, they trigger a recompile of every source file that includes them.

When all your files are combined header and source files, every change will trigger a recompile of all source files. C++ isn't known for its fast compile times even now, imagine what would happen when the entire project had to be recompiled every time. Then extrapolate that to a project of hundreds of source files with complicated dependencies...

Sorry, but there's no such thing as a "best practice" for eliminating headers in C++: it's a bad idea, period. If you hate them that much, you have three choices:

  • Become intimately familiar with C++ internals and any compilers you're using; you're going to run into different problems than the average C++ developer, and you'll probably need to solve them without a lot of help.
  • Pick a language you can use "right" without getting depressed
  • Get a tool to generate them for you; you'll still have headers, but you save some typing effort

In his article Simple Support for Design by Contract in C++, Pedro Guerreiro stated:

Usually, a C++ class comes in two files: the header file and the definition file. Where should we write the assertions: in the header file, because assertions are specification? Or in the definition file, since they are executable? Or in both, running the risk of inconsistency (and duplicating work)? We recommend, instead, that we forsake the traditional style, and do away with the definition file, using only the header file, as if all functions were defined inline, very much like Java and Eiffel do.

This is such a drastic change from the C++ normality that it risks killing the endeavor at the outset. On the other hand, maintaining two files for each class is so awkward, that sooner or later a C++ development environment will come up that hides that from us, allowing us to concentrate on our classes, without having to worry about where they are stored.

That was 2001. I agreed. It is 2009 now and still no "development environment that hides that from us, allowing us to concentrate on our classes" has come up. Instead, long compile times are the norm.

Note: The link above seems to be dead now. This is the full reference to the publication, as it appears in the Publications section of the author's website:

Pedro Guerreiro, Simple Support for Design by Contract in C++, TOOLS USA 2001, Proceedings, pages 24-34, IEEE, 2001.