windows 7 search: multiple condition "find folders of this size that does not contain this and that"

Windows 7 search allows to find specific files type and exclude some using some operators (such as AND OR NOT) but how to add multiple search condition on these following example?

Ex 1: this query doesn't work: type:folder size:tiny

EX 2: searching FOLDERS that doesn't contain an extensions with this query doesn't work either: type:folder NOT *.avi

Ex 3: thus, searching FOLDERS that doesn't contain this or this extensions could not work: type:folder NOT *.avi NOT *rar or type:folder NOT(*.avi *rar)

AND is what you want.

NOT *.jpg AND NOT *.rar AND NOT type:folder

will give you everything in a folder and subfolders that are not a jpg or rar and will also not show you the folders