How do I install the driver for my Linksys AE1200 Wireless-N USB Adapter?

Solution 1:

I just bought the Linksys AE1200 USB Wireless adapter and it works fine 19-Oct-2012.

My lsusb results:

Bus 001 Device 005: ID 13b1:0039 Linksys AE1200 802.11bgn Wireless Adapter [Broadcom BCM43235]

For some reason, the Win XP driver on the installation CD would not work. None of the other broadcom chipset drivers that I attempted worked for me either.

The solution

So, a search of here and Ubuntuforums yielded this link: and provided this repaired version of the xp driver:

  1. Download the and extract (for my example to follow, my downloads directory)
  2. I opened a Terminal window:
    • cd /Downloads/bcmwl_4323x/xp/
    • :~/Downloads/bcmwl_4323x/xp$ sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwlhigh5.inf
    • sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
  3. ndiswrapper -l yielded:

bcmwlhigh5 : driver installed
device (13B1:0039) present

  • Exit Terminal window, unplug LAN cable, System Restart.
  • (Optional) If the USB Wireless card does not work after reboot, you may need to add ndiswrapper to your /etc/modules so that it loads ndiswrapper at startup.
    • You should be able to test if this is needed if upon boot, the LED on your wireless card is not lit. You run in terminal sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper | sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and then the LED turns on.

Solution 2:

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and after searching these forums unsuccessfully, I have installed the driver for my AE1200 and it is working correctly.

Here is how I did it:

First, install ndiswrapper and be sure to install ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-dkms as well.

Then, download the XP driver for the device:

Extract the zip and cd to the folder (probably xp). If you attempt to install the driver with ndiswrapper at this point, you will receive the "couldn't find section "Linksys_AE1200.files.NTamd64"" error. To resolve this, edit the bcmwlhigh5.inf file. Find the section that looks like this:


Underneath it, add this:



Save and close. Then, if you've already attempted to install the driver with ndiswrapper you'll need to remove it, run:

sudo ndiswrapper -e bcmwlhigh5

Then do the install again:

sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwlhigh5.inf

Verify with:

sudo ndiswrapper -l

Now plug in the USB device and the blue light should come on.

I could be wrong, but I think this means whoever wrote these .inf files forgot to include those lines, which I find funny.

**Update for 12.10- If you install ndiswrapper-dkms it will fail and you will start getting system errors. Follow the solution here to resolve:

As a side note the source code he refers to is everything in the "driver" directory of the extracted tar.gz

In addition, you will also want to run:

sudo dkms remove ndiswrapper/1.57 --all


sudo dkms uninstall ndiswrapper/1.57