How do I put Google Chrome on my launcher?

I recently installed Chrome on Ubuntu, and I can run Chrome via google-chrome on the command line.

However, how can I put a Chrome icon on my dock?

Solution 1:

Search for Chrome in the menu and drag it to the dock.

Doing this, you don't need the command line at all.

Solution 2:

Right click on the icon in the dock while it's running and select lock/add to favorites.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

  1. Create a desktop file (e.g. chrome.desktop) on your Desktop and insert the following content into that file:

    #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Google Chrome
  2. Make it executable by running this command:

    chmod +x ~/Desktop/chrome.desktop
  3. Add it to the launcher:

    cp ~/Desktop/chrome.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/